I thought I'd done so well at not getting this sinus-fever-weakness-unhappy virus, but here I am snorting saline and wishing I was dead. It doesn't help that I'm having bleeding episode precursors, too, like a second period a week after my last one ended. I really liked only getting my period once a month, damn you body!
I haven't been to the rescue except to feed since Tuesday. I feel guilty, having not lived up to my responsibilities with this new paint mare, but I should have known better than to commit in the first place.
Saturday, Greg and I went up to Keystone and skiied for a few hours. It was sunny at the base, and I hate skiing in goggles so I wore sunglasses and stupidly did not put my goggles in my goggle pocket just in case. Keystone has the most skiable acrage in the world, apparently, and to get to the Outback you have to go up and over 2 other mountains- lift up, ski down the backside, repeat. The morning was gray and the runs were hard-packed but the Outback at least wasn't icey. Not too many people back there, either. Beautiful! After lunch, however, it started snowing like mad! Which was awesome, because it instantly covered up the hardpack with our famous champagne powder, but sucked because I couldn't see a damn thing without my goggles! Fuck! It took us an hour to ski back to the car, and by then we had to get home anyways. :-( And, of course, it was still sunny at the base. I really, really should know better!
Won 3 of our games (bowling) that night, replanted the tomato seedlings and leek seedlings into bigger pots yesterday. Everything looks so good! I can't wait to be eating fresh veggies again!
This week: Cancer Bio "quiz" tomorrow, Cell lab practical Wednesday, Cell Bio exam Thursday, Friday off to go skiing, shaving head on Saturday. The Cancer quizzes are the hardest tests I have ever taken, and I love them! 4 questions, multiple choice, open note. +2.5 for every correct answer, -1 for every wrong answer. Completely conceptual. For example, our practice quiz had 2 pie graphs with 6 equal wedges. Each wedge on the first one had a genetic alteration- "deletion of promoter sequence," "homologue in virus," "translocation of..." etc. The second one had genes that affect cancer cells: Myc, p53, APC, ARF, ATM, TERT, etc. Challenge: line up the second graph with the first one so that each gene is altered in a way that will most benefit a cancer cell. First round, only about a third of the class got it right, to give you an idea of how hard that actually is.