Last Thursday I called the barn manager and asked if I could help out in any way with groundwork. I don't really care to ride, but I do miss the interaction and a lot of the horses at the rescue could use some more mental stimulation. Turns out, she started a 'handlers' program last Sunday and I had missed the e-mail! Two of the more challenging horses, however, were not being used because none of the volunteers were experienced enough for everyone to feel comfortable about it. So Saturday I met with Emmie and we started talking about Isis. I don't have time to give her story now, but I will write it up later. Suffice it to say, she's a 7 year old mare who's pushy and occasionally bites, and she would be having a wonderful riding career right now if people didn't suck so hard.
So, I spent a couple hours with Isis, working through some personal space/ boundary issues and giving her a good grooming. She's such a love, all she wants is to be in your lap. But she does get bored easily, and she expresses this boredom by pacing, pawing, biting, and physically knocking her handler around. I'm looking forward to having a horse to play with on a regular basis, and I really think some tough love will go a long ways towards getting Isis into more amiable behavior patterns and thus upping her chances of being adopted.
I intend to write about how much I loathe PETA later, so stay tuned!

Oh she looks so sweet! I'd like to meet Isis when I come home, I miss being around you and horses—it's kind of an unbeatable pairing!
As for PETA, did you know that they tried to get Ben and Jerry's to switch from using cow milk to BREAST MILK?!?!?!?! Seriously, what the fuck?
And when are you coming 'home'?
Oh, yes! It rekindled my desire to find a way to protest PETA, as I will write about later...
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