My day today:
"Multiply everything by 0.6 to make 600 mL of agar for plates." "Okay. Wow, this does not seem like enough agar." "You started with 1.5 g, right? So it should be okay!"
Two hours later...
"These plates aren't setting. Are you sure you remembered to put the agar in?"
"Yes, I am sure I put agar in. I'm making agar plates: I hope I'm not that dumb!"
Fifteen minutes later...
"These don't look right at all. Are you SURE you put agar in?"
"YES I am SURE I put agar in."
"You put 9g of agar in the bottle with the LB?"
"You mean, 0.9 g or agar in the... oh, crap, what?"
"You put 1.5 g of agar per 100 mLs, no?"
"No. Shit nuggies. I totally put 1.5 g per 1000 mLs. These are not going to gel. I have to leave in 20 minutes. The bacteria is ready to plate. Fucking fuckity fuck!"
In other words... I am that dumb! And I am going to spend the rest of the week making up for it, especially since my supervisor was just assigned to me last week and I've only been to work one other day since then! I wanted to make a good impression, but I think I'm failing pretty miserably at that! At least he is very friendly, and doesn't seem to be too bothered when I ask him a million questions and then five minutes later ask the same million questions because I didn't write enough down the first time...
It sucks to be completely new to something and have everyone expect you to know what you're doing! I think they've all forgotten what it's like to do all these standard procedures for the first time, but at least everyone is nice about answering questions and double-checking my work.
At least I have the cutest little pumpkin ever!!!
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