Monday, January 26, 2009

Snowing snowing snowing...

It's a beautiful day to stay indoors!

I should be on campus by now, as my first class started 6 minutes ago. But, it's cold. -13 F, to be exact, and we're supposedly getting about 2"/hr of snowfall. Combined with some rare fog and our charming high winds, that means limited visibility, snow-packed highways, and trucks pulling other trucks out of ditches. This is the weather that gives my commute the reputation of most head-on collisions per mile in the state, although I don't honestly know if that's true. I have seen a couple every winter, though, and I sure haven't seen many anywhere else!

So my car can stay put a little while longer.

I hear it's not nearly as bad in Boulder right now, but I really hate driving during rush-hour when the weather's like this. Actually, 93 has one major advantage in bad weather: It's reputation scares all the non-local drivers away! So it's usually just other daily drivers who know how to drive in the snow and are in AWD cars with good snow tires.

Got to brave it sometime, though. Probably pretty soon, I think the winds are dying down...

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