Sunday, October 26, 2008

My boobs are no longer bigger than Kait's head!


This blog lacks focus. Maybe posting recipes? Poetry and short stories? Bizarre photos, like this one? Limiting rants about health to four a year? Only ranting about health?

Honestly, I have low expectations of being read. I just love reading what other people have to say about this world, and having a blogger identity is the easiest way to keep track!

Still, I'd like to think I have something of interest to add...


jyamamo said...

Where do I comment on why I'm not voting? Oh, well, I'll do it here! I can't vote, because I'm not a 'Merican (sic!). This election affects everyone on the planet, but most of us don't have a say in it! (Just wanted to get that one off my chest!)

Liked your pictures...

jyamamo said...

Congratulations on your new president!

Amy.mangos said...

Thank you! Hoorah America, way to restore my faith!!!!! (and the worlds a bit too, I reckon)