I am VERY happy about our 44th presidential pick! Voting against Bush in my first election, and having him legitimately win even after all the BS that'd gone down during his first miserable 4 years in office, destroyed my idealism that every vote counts. He won by less than 600 votes in Florida in 2000, and lost by nearly half a million in terms of popular vote, but he still became the president. Now, tell me, how does that work again?
But never mind! No more bitterness needed! I will only be more thrilled by this election if more than 65% of eligible voters actually cast ballots :-) That will be an amazing day for our democracy, when more than 2/3rds of the population participates in selecting our leaders!
But, wait a second... What about Prop. 8 in California?

What about the couple on the right? They've been together for over 20 years, and they were finally going to get legally married this spring. My uncles prove that true love exists and overreaches all prejudices. They have always been an inspiration to me, of what a relationship should be like. The final tally is not yet complete, but it doesn't look like they'll be able to get married after all. Strange, Mike and I have been together a little over 3 years, and people politely nag us all the time about when are we going to get married. It gets old. My uncles have been together nearly as long as my parents have, they are each others' pillars of strength. They own a home together and have dog and cat kids that are spoiled rotten, but people are disgusted at the idea of them being married. I honestly don't get it.
The divorce rate in this country is over 50%. If you want to preserve the sanctity of marriage, focus on your own damn families and keep religion out of our government! Or, limit marriage to committed and loving partnerships, gay and straight alike. If you want to be married, you want to be with that person for the rest of your life, right? What's two years of demonstrating this commitment out of the rest of your lifetimes? Nothing, that's what. So I say, 2 years of demonstrated commitment in order to get married, in order to preserve the sanctity of this tradition.
Or just let everyone who wants to get married, get married.
Anyhow... Hoorah Obama!!!!!!!
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