<--Got this in the mail yesterday In case you don't read mirrored images so well, the writing says, "Europe, it sure is a nice place to visit..." and, on the inside, "But we can't afford to let our American economy become more like Europe." It goes on to plead us Colorado voters to call Mark Udall (D, running for Senate) and tell him that "Cap & Trade legislation is too expensive for hard working Colorado Families."
Here is a nice photo from my last trip to Europe,
which as a whole, is #2 on my list of
places I'd rather live, under Australia.
which as a whole, is #2 on my list of
places I'd rather live, under Australia.
Mike and I thought this was about the funniest political flier ever! Even ignoring the details of Udall's comment (which involved using a cap and trade system to motivate industry to reduce emissions, as a big environmental issue in Colorado is factories paying less in fines to dump illegally than to deal with their waste in accordance with EPA guidelines) this sentiment makes NO SENSE!
Please, remind me why we don't want a strong, globally connected economy like Europe's?
Looking at the cap and trade idea itself, it makes even less sense. Basically, this system would allow companies that produce lower than their allowed emissions to 'sell' their extra emission allowances to companies that failed to meet federal emissions standards for that period. It even explains as much in the flier! So, companies that can get under their emissions limits stand to gain money by polluting less, and those that cannot get under are forced to bargain for credits- no more easy fines! How on EARTH would this cost 'Colorado families' anything? If anyone disagrees, PLEASE explain why.
The GOP is getting desperate... but I don't believe Americans are really short-sighted stupid enough to buy into their bull-crap.
As for PETA... that long, ranting entry yesterday DID have a point: Only PETA can take everyone involved in reforming horse-racing and have them leaping to the defense of the industry they've been fighting against. PETA is a terrorist organization whose extremest tactics reverse animal-welfare progress on an international stage. Threatening physical 'justice' and making public demands is the modus-operandi of terrorists and other villains. By operating as a terrorist group, PETA pins all reasonable people into an uncomfortable, defensive position facing their attackers (aka PETA). In the case of Eight Belles, this meant that everyone with any knowledge of or commitment to horses and horse racing took a defensive stance against irrational demands, even when defending the status quo was against their true intentions for improving the ethical treatment of race horses.
PETA would gain my respect, and, in my opinion, far more animal rights victories, if they would ground their suggestions in reality by doing their research and respecting all sides by listening to their hesitations and concerns before making an educated, intelligent statement about what changes can be made to improve animal welfare. Stating that the jockey was at fault for not feeling anything wrong during the race because clearly he was whipping the filly instead of paying attention to her limits makes PETA sound like judgemental ass hats to anyone with a greater knowledge of why the filly went down.
The End.
thanks for reading our blog!
I voted on your little poll about voting...I'm not voting in the election simply because of the fact that I'm not old enough. By the way, thanks for visiting my blog!
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